Being a Scout

When you join Scouts, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. Scouts are a go-getting group of young people aged 10½ to 14 who:

  • Master new skills and try new things
  • Make new friends
  • Have fun and go on adventures, at home and abroad
  • Explore the world around them
  • Help others and make a difference, in their own communities and beyond

The two Sea Scout Troops for boys and girls aged 10½-14 meet weekly at the Den between 19:15 and 21:30. Solebay Troop for girls meet on Monday, and the boys in Renown Troop on a Friday. Both of our Sea Scout Troops are some of the most active and popular Scouts in the area, with each consisting of about 65 young people.

Both Troops run very active programmes consisting of a variety of activities include games, adventurous training, team building, night hikes, wide games, cooking, pioneering and camp craft evenings. A full water activities programme, including training courses run by our own fully-qualified sailing, powerboating and rowing instructors, are run throughout the year.

Although they meet on different nights and have their own leader teams, the two Troops do a lot of linked activities, including hillwalking weeks in Derbyshire, a week camp in summer, and sailing all year round.

Activities and what you’ll get up to

Build and develop your confidence, sense of adventure and outdoor skills. Explore you beliefs and attitudes and be creative. Gain independence and put these skills into practice at camps and even on international trips.

Find Activities


Scouts start small but think big, always challenging themselves to do more and be more. It starts with an award. Who knows where it might lead?

Learn about Scout Challenges & Awards Scout Badges

Scout Promise

As a values based movement we all make the ‘The Promise’ an oath that helps us to be our best

Learn the Scout Promise and Laws

Uniform and badge placement

You don’t need a uniform to join. But once you’ve settled in, you’ll start speedily earning badges, and you’ll need to know where to put them!

We have an in-house uniform store that is significantly cheaper than other outlets (especially for caps), which your leaders will discuss when you join the Troop.

Badge Placement