To the uninitiated the name ‘THE GUZZLERS’ might conjure up thoughts of drunken rampages through the Old Town! Not in the least! The name is given to the Association of ex-members and those who have had some involvement with the 3rd CB in the past but still wish to remain in touch with the activities of the Group, even though it is no longer a main interest. The title also neatly sums up the experiences of the 1000-1500 boys and girls, aged from 6 to 18 plus who have passed through the Group since 1933, and who just might have consumed the odd jar and have, in their time, run up and down the High Street, but only in high spirits you will understand!

Keep track of the Guzzlers’ activities by following our Facebook Group at

Read the Guzzlers’ bi-annual newsletter – The GUZZLETTER

THE GUZZLERS were formed in October 1982 to provide opportunities for members to remain in contact with each other, and the Group, to meet socially and use The Den as a base for occasional boating activities.

Since we were formed we have funded, via our annual membership fee, a variety of items for the Group. An Honours Board was designed and manufactured in 1988 recording the names of Kings/Queens Scouts, GSM/Ls and holders of Meritorious Service and other Awards, this was followed by a Patrol of the Month Pennant, 3rdCB banners for camp, an electronic Weather Station, Guzzlers Challenge Trophy and a sizeable contribution was made to enable the Group to purchase The Guzzler, a 14′ Tideway sailing dinghy, in 1994. In 2001 we paid for a replacement flag mast which was installed in the same year and in 2002 the Weather Station was replaced with more modern equipment. In 2005 new binoculars were bought for the duty men to keep an eye on boating activities, in 2013 we funded a tent for the Cubs and in 2019, a Gourmet, 6 burner, state of the art Gas Barbecue was purchased to be taken to Summer Camp to cater for the large number of members attending. To compliment the 2021 renovation of The Den’s facilities we funded the purchase and installation of the internal & external sound system which will benefit the Groups training and entertainment needs.

Apart from the occasional sailing day at The Den, in June or July dependant on tides, we hold three Pub Nights during the year; the one in October is combined with a short AGM. Activities have included a successful staged trip down the Thames Estuary and East Coast to Ipswich for the Gaffers Week in an open whaler, extended weekend sailings to South Coast marinas and the near continent in the Rona Sailing Project’s yachts Helen Mary RRona II and Merrilyn , and individually organised use of members’ boats. Notable other events include Trafalgar Night Dinners, a black tie affair at ‘The Smack’ in 2005, 2014 at Lavenham and at Benfleet Yacht Club in 2016, a Barge Weekend on ‘Reminder’ for 15 members to celebrate 25 years of ‘The GUZZLERS’, and a trip up to the pool of London and back to Southend Pier on PS Waverley in 2015. In 2021 and 2022, a crew of 12 were onboard Sailing Barge Centaur for the Colne Barge Match ensuring that we got the longest sail as we came in last!


The Guzzlers are run by a small committee of volunteers who look after the day to day running of the team. They are:

  • Martin Blackett – Chairman
  • Stuart Clay- Secretary
  • Paul Cotrell
  • Andy Clapham
  • John Blackburn

Join The Guzzlers

Membership of The Guzzlers is open to anyone with an association to 3rd Chalkwell Bay who is over the age of 18. Applications for membership can be made by completing the form below and returning it to the Secretary, Stuart Clay, at

Upcoming Activities

Upcoming Guzzlers Events