We hope you’re settling into the new term for Scouting and school. Welcome to all the new members who’ve joined us recently. We’ve had some great activities so far this term, from Beavers learning first aid, Cubs getting out on the beach and learning about the environment, Scouts building new skills and challenging each other, to the Explorers playing golf and Network keeping the social party of Scouting going strong. At the weekends we’ve run sailing sessions to gain RYA qualifications, and a really successful Duke of Edinburgh’s Award silver expedition last weekend.
We also had a great party for family and friends with our now famous Band Night, dancing the summer night away to some great live music (and raising over £2k for activities at 3rdCB!) – thank you to everyone who supported this evening, we’ve got more family social events coming up soon, including the Trafalgar Night Dinner on 21 Oct, and a growing programme of family social events.
There’s lots more to tell you about this term too. In this newsletter:
- Harvest Festival Church Parade
- Water Activities
- Battle of Trafalgar Dinner
- District Awards Day
- Dates for your Diary
Harvest Festival Church Parade

Sun 8 Oct @ 10:30
This Sunday is the Harvest Festival Church Parade. We parade through Old Leigh with colours flying to New Road Fishermen’s Chapel for a short Scout-friendly service, then back to The Den.
As is usual at this time of year, we’ll be collecting donations of tinned, dried and long-life food, snacks and toiletries on behalf of our friends at HARP Southend, for our city’s less fortunate residents. Meet at The Den in uniform on Sunday at 10:30 to parade to the chapel for a short family service, then back to The Den for 12:15. If you can, please bring a donation of one of the items above, either on the day or on your usual meeting night, which will be donated to the HARP to support their fantastic work.
Upcoming Water Activities

Below are provisional October boating dates for the newsletter:
- Sat 14 Open Boating
Sun 15 Open Boating- Sat 28 Explorers Sailing Day
- Sun 29 Open Boating
Keep an eye on the members Facebook group for updates at facebook.com/groups/3rdchalkwellbay.
Trafalgar Night Dinner

Sat 21 Oct @ Essex YC
Did you love our Band Night in September? Well tickets are still available for our next social event for parents and friends: Celebrate the 218th anniversary of the Royal Navy’s greatest victory – the Battle of Trafalgar, with a black tie dinner on board Essex Yacht Club’s HQS Wilton.
Starting with a welcome drink and canapés, followed by a formal three course meal, then after dinner entertainment & dancing. Always a brilliant night, tickets are only £35 a head and last year’s was another sell-out event.
The evening is open to all leaders, Guzzlers, parents, family and friends of 3rdCB (over 18s only though please).
District Awards Day

Sun 5 Nov @ Eastwood Community Centre
We’re really proud that so many Beavers, Cubs, Sea Scouts and Explorers have gained the top Chief Scouts Award in their sections over the past year, and Southend West District Scouts are inviting everyone who’s achieved one of these awards to a presentation afternoon on Sun 5 November to celebrate your achievements with other Scouts from across the local area. Invites will be sent out on OSM in the coming days, please let us know if you can make it. There will be cake!
Upcoming events and dates for your diary
- Sun 8 Oct: Harvest Festival Church Parade – Please bring an item of non-perishable food (tins/pasta) for the Fishermen’s Chapel appeal to support those in need. See 3rdcb.org.uk/event/harvest-cp23/.
- Sat 21 Oct: Trafalgar Dinner – Black Tie dinner & dance for parents and friends held at Essex YC, in honour of the 218th anniversary of Nelson’s great victory. Book online now.
- Sun 5 Nov: District Awards Day at Eastwood Community Hall – presentations to those who’s achieves Scouting’s top awards across Southend West District. Invites will be sent directly to those receiving awards.
- Sun 12 Nov – Remembrance Day Parade at Southend Cenotaph (Scouts/Explorers). See 3rdCB.org.uk/event/remembrance23/
- Sun 10 Dec: Christmas Toy & Carol Service – 1030 at The Den, all families are welcome. Please bring a toy for those less fortunate in the town.
- 21-24 Feb 2024: Southend Gang Show – If you love acting and entertaining, why not get involved with Southend Scouts Gang Show. See www.southendgangshow.org/it-s-a-date/ for more details.
- 29 Mar-8 Apr 2024: Derbyshire – Scouts’ Easter Hillwalking & Activities trip to Castleton in the Peak District.
- 27 Jul – 3 Aug 2024: Summer Camps – Save the date! See 3rdCB.org.uk/event/camp24/
You can see all our upcoming events and activities on the Group Calendar at 3rdCB.org.uk/events/
Last Month’s Activities