1. Introduction

Membership of the Group is extremely popular and as a result there are many young people waiting to join. We must be focused on offering a place at the earliest opportunity, once a young person has reached the correct age. This must be done in a fair way and where it is clear we are unable accommodate then alternative options provided to ensure that the young person has every opportunity to join Scouting.

This document sets out the process of admission to the 3rd Chalkwell Bay Sea Scout Group (the Group) and establishes the size of each youth section.

2. Policy & Procedure

Operation of any Group Policy must be in line with Policy, Organisation & Rules of The Scout Association (POR) and where applicable guidance issued by the Royal Yachting Association.

2.1. Youth Section Sizes

The Group consists of five youth sections including an Explorer Scout Unit which the Group has a Partnership Agreement with. The maximum size of Beaver Scout Colonies and Cub Scout Packs is set out in POR Rule 3.7 and Rule 3.8 respectively; this same rule allows the Group Scout Leader to increase those section sizes. The Group Scout Leader has agreed the following section sizes:

  • Beaver Scout Colony                                   30
  • Cub Scout Pack                                            40
  • Sea Scout Troop (Renown)                            65
  • Sea Scout Troop (Solebay)                             65
  • Explorer Sea Scout Unit (Endeavour)           50

2.2. Registration for Youth Membership

The parent, guardian or carer of a young person wishing to join the Group can only do so by registering their child’s details via the Group website using the link www.3rdcb.org.uk/join no other format of registration will be accepted.

It will be the responsibility of the adult registering their child to create a login on Online Scout Manager and ensure that the personal data of their child is maintained. Whilst waiting for a place should the data not be regularly reviewed the details will be removed from the system.

The Group will only accept registration of young people at an age appropriate for the Section they intend to join, this may at times may be restricted to set categories as set out in 2.3.1. Priority for Admission. Once it is clear that a young person will not secure a space within a Section they will be removed from the list. Young people will be managed on the Waiting List as follows:

SectionRegistration AgeRemoval Age
Beaver Scouts56 ¾
Cub Scouts7 ½8 ½
Scouts1011 ½
Explorer Scouts1314 ½

2.3. Management of Admissions

Admissions will be managed via Online Scout Manager only. Three times a year a formal review of the waiting list will be undertaken by the Group Section Heads Team for the forthcoming term:

  • November review for Spring Term
  • March review for Summer Term
  • June review for the Autumn Term

The Team will consider all admissions and the need to open or close the waiting list, which can be done in totality or partially accepting only certain registrations from one or more categories listed in 2.3.1.Priority for Admission.

2.3.1. Priority for Admission

Where there are insufficient places, available priority will be given to young people, in order, who has a:

  1. Parent, grandparent, guardian or carer who is an active adult leader within the Group;
  2. Sibling, parent or grandparent who is a youth or active adult member within the Group;
  3. Uncle, Aunt or cousin who is youth or active adult member within the Group;
  4. Youth members of other Sea Scout Groups moving into the area;
  5. Parent, guardian or carer who was previously a youth or adult member of the Group;
  6. Youth members of other Scout Groups moving into the area.
  7. Existing member of a Scout Group in the Southend area wishing to switch Groups.
  8. Any other applicant

An adult leader is one that holds one of the following roles on Compass, which is within a current review period:

  • Section Leader
  • Assistant Section Leader
  • Section Assistant
  • Active Support Manager
  • Active Support Co-ordinator
  • Group Scout Leader
  • Deputy Group Scout Leader

2.3.2. Communication

The status of the waiting list will be publicised at www.3rdcb.org.uk/join detailing each age range and the category of those being accepted.

Providing the adult registering the child maintains a regular review of the data held then the young person will be considered when they are old enough to join the next youth section. Offer of a Space

This email will include the offer of a space to the relevant Section, a provisional start date and confirm that a member of the relevant Section Leader Team will be in touch with further details.

An acknowledgement within 21 days will be required or the space will be withdrawn. Space Not Currently Available

This email will include the information that the relevant Section is oversubscribed, the child’s name will remain on the list and a link to confirm that all details held are correct.

Details of how to seek other opportunities to join The Scout Association locally will also be included. Space Will Never be Available

This email will include the information that the relevant Section is oversubscribed, that unfortunately the child’s name will be removed from the list and details on how to join the list for the next Section.

Details of how to seek other opportunities to join The Scout Association locally will also be included.