But I can’t sail
That’s not a problem – we’ll teach you!
3rdCB is a Royal Yachting Association Recognised Training Centre, and our in-house instructors (all volunteers) can teach an array of dinghy sailing and powerboating courses. You get nationally-recognised qualifications, as well as Scout badges.
How much are leaders paid?
They’re not! All adults involved in 3rdCB (and wider Scouting) are volunteers. Most have full time jobs and families, and give of their time freely (so please be patient if we don’t reply to messages instantly).
How old do I have to be?
Scouting is split up into age-based sections:
- Age 6-8 – Beavers
- Age 8-10½ – Cubs
- Age 10½-14 – Sea Scouts (Two Sea Scout Troops: Renown and Solebay)
- Age 14-18 – Explorer Sea Scouts (Endeavour Explorer Scout Unit)
- Age 14-18 – Explorer Scout Young Leaders – supporting younger sections and learning leadership skills
- Age 18-25 – Scout Network (Dauntless Network)
- Age 18+ – Adult leaders and helpers
We also operate the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme for our members from school year 9 to age 25.
We don’t have a Squirrels section (age 4-5), although other Scout Groups in the area do run these. Please see to search for a Squirrel Dray near you.
You can join the waiting list from age 5 at
How do I join?
You can join our waiting list at
We are a popular Group, and all age ranges are operating at capacity with waiting lists, particularly the younger ages. We take new intakes at the start of each term.
Please note that we can’t take children under the age of 5 onto the waiting list. Joining the waiting list doesn’t guarantee we’ll be able to offer a place. All leaders and adults involved with 3rd Chalkwell Bay are volunteers.
How much does it cost?
Membership fees vary by section, as at April 2024 they are:
- Beavers: £48 per term
- Cubs: £61 per term
- Sea Scouts / Explorers: £86 per term
Membership fees are paid termly at the start of each term, through our online Parent Portal. Email reminders will be sent out.
These fees cover the vast majority of weekly activities, as well as our operating costs, maintenance of our HQ and equipment, insurance, and annual fees paid to UK Scouting to run the organisation at a national level. Camps, trips away and some other activities may have an additional cost which will be advertised before signup.
If you’re a UK tax payer, please consider signing up for Gift Aid, it doesn’t cost you a thing and allows us to claim an additional 25% of your child’s membership fees from HMRC.
Where do I put those badges?
When can I buy the uniform
Each section has it’s own distinct uniform. Mostly this can be bought online through Scout Shops (which in turn supports Scouting at a national level). Caps, scarves, badges and polo shirts are all supplied through our uniform store at cost price.
Beavers and Cubs
- Beavers wear a turquoise jumper, available from Scout Shops.
- Cubs wear a green jumper, available from Scout Shops.
- 3rdCB Polo Shirts – £10 – through our uniform store
- 3rdCB Scarf – £6 – through our uniform store
Sea Scouts
We have an in house uniform store for Sea Scouts, which is sold at cost price. This allows us to buy caps and white fronts direct from the Royal Navy at a significantly discounted price, and bulk order jerseys to keep the cost down.
- Sea Scout Jumper – £28.50
- Cap – £39 (limited stock of second hand caps for £15)
- White Front – £12
- 3rdCB Group Polo Shirt – £10
- 3rdCB Scarf – £6
We wear normal school trousers and shoes (there is no need to buy the Scout Activity trousers / belt to help keep costs down).
Explorer Scouts
Explorer Scout shirts and jumpers can be bought online. We have a supply of caps in house, direct from royal Navy Stores at cost price.
- Explorer Sea Scout shirts – available online from Scout Shops (male shirt | female blouse), or in person from Belchamps Scout Activity Centre.
- Jumpers – ordered via Amazon. A navy blue, round next, with epaulettes style is required (Example item).
- Caps – can be bought through our uniform store at cost price from Royal Navy Stores (£39). Explorer Scout cap tallies are available for £4.50 (included with a new cap).
- 3rdCB Scarf – £6 – through our uniform store
- Endeavour ESU Polos and Hoodies are ordered in batches when required, and costs will be advertised at the time.
We wear normal school trousers and shoes (there is no need to buy the Scout Activity trousers / belt to help keep costs down).
All prices correct as at November 2024, but please check with the leaders as these will vary with suppliers current costs.
I’ve still got a question
If your question isn’t answered here, please get in touch with your / your child’s section team leader, or drop us an email at