Christmas Carol Service & Toy Collection
15 December @ 10:45 – 12:00
Each Christmas we host a carol service at The Den with New Road Fishermen’s Chapel, and collect toys for troubled and needy families in the Southend area.
We will be collecting toys for those less fortunate on behalf of the Marigold Centre. We ask for donations of gifts of toys and children’s books, these can be new, as new, unwanted gifts or something out-grown, all unwrapped please. These can be brought down on the morning, or in advance to your child’s normal meeting night.
The obligatory mince pies and refreshments will be served after the Service.
We usually get a full house and have had enormous selections of gifts donated in the past, please make the same excellent effort this year too and as always, your contribution is much appreciated.
After the service there is Sunday Duty Patrol for Stormy Petts and Whales.
Please speak to your child's leaders if you need more information about this event